Customizing Windows XP Sounds

By default, Windows XP will play a sound when certain events happen, such as Windows logon and logoff,  exiting Windows, and so on. You can easily change and set the sound for each program events. Windows XP also makes you easily change the sound volume.

To change the sound volume:

It's very easy to change the sound volume, just click the sound icon on the notification area (system tray), then the volume slider will appear. Move the slider to increase or decrease the volume.
If the sound icon doesn't appear, then your computer possibly doesn't have a sound card, or maybe the driver is broken.

To change the Windows XP event sounds:

- Click Start button, and then click Control Panel. This will open the Control Panel window.

- In Control Panel, click Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices.

- Next, click Sounds and Audio Devices.

- In the Sounds and Audio Devices Properties dialog box, under the Sound scheme text, you can select the sound scheme that you like to use.

Sound scheme is a set of sounds for whole of  the program events. Usually a sound scheme is related to a specific desktop theme. If you change the sound scheme, then you will change sounds for all program events.

- But if you want to change the individual sound, you can also do that by selecting and change the sound under the Programs events text, as displayed below:

- To finish your work, click OK button.

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