Learn Vista - New Features and Security on Internet Explorer 7

Microsoft is very serious to enhance Internet Explorer security. Different from IE 6, IE 7 has undergone many changes particularly relating to security issues. One of the changes made to IE 7 is the separation of browser and critical components of Windows system. On Windows Vista, IE 7 in standard condition, runs on Protected Mode. It means browser have no privileges on significant system files, except folder of Temporary Internet Files. So that, IE 7 is getting safer because it's not easily infiltrated by spyware, worm, virus, and bad hacker. However, surely you still have to put anti-virus and other security softwares on your system.

New features which is added into IE 7:

- Tabbed browsing, one of the new features in Internet Explorer which allows you to open multiple websites in a single browser window. When you have multiple webpages open simultaneously, each one is displayed on a separate tab. These tabs make it easy for you to switch among websites.

- Instant Search box, which is located on the top right of the browser window, lets you search the web from the Address bar quickly without having to open the search-engine homepage first.

- You can delete your temporary files, cookies, webpage history, saved passwords, and form information from one place.

- The Favorites Center button allows you to open the Favorites Center pop-up window so that you can manage favorites, feeds, and history in one place.

- Print Preview gives you more control when printing, with manual scaling and an accurate view of what you're about to print. When you print a webpage, Internet Explorer automatically scales it to fit within the margins of your paper.

- The Zoom feature lets you enlarge or reduce the view of a webpage. Unlike changing font size, zoom enlarges or reduces everything on the page, including text and images. You can zoom from 10% to 1000%.

New security and privacy features implemented in IE 7:

- The Phishing Filter, can help protect you from phishing attacks, online fraud, and spoofed websites. Online phishing attack is a way to trick computer users into revealing personal or financial information through an e‑mail message or website. A common online phishing scam starts with an e‑mail message that looks like an official notice from a trusted source, such as a bank, credit card company, or reputable online merchant. In the e‑mail message, recipients are directed to a fraudulent website where they are asked to provide personal information, such as an account number or password. This information is then usually used for identity theft.

Phishing Filter runs in the background while you're browsing the web. It uses three methods to help protect you from phishing scams. First, it compares the addresses of websites you visit against a list of sites reported to Microsoft as legitimate. This list is stored on your computer. Second, it helps analyze the sites you visit to see if they have the characteristics common to a phishing website. Third, with your consent, Phishing Filter sends some website addresses to Microsoft to be further checked against a frequently updated list of reported phishing websites
If the site you are visiting is on the list of reported phishing websites, Internet Explorer will display a warning webpage and a notification on the Address bar. From the warning webpage, you can continue or close the page. If the website contains characteristics common to a phishing site but isn't on the list, Internet Explorer will only notify you in the Address bar that it might possibly be a phishing website.

Internet Explorer Protected mode, can help protect your computer from websites that try to install malicious software or to save files on your computer without your consent. Malicious software is a software designed to deliberately harm your computer. For example, viruses, worms, and trojan horses are malicious software. It's also known as malware.

- Higher security levels can help protect you from hackers and web attacks. You can easily set the security settings for internet, local internet, trusted sites, and restricted sites to maximum protection from IE internet options.

- The Security Status bar displays the identity of secure websites to help you make informed decisions when using online banking or merchants.

- Internet Explorer's add-on disabled mode, lets you start Internet Explorer without toolbars, ActiveX controls, or other add-ons that might slow your computer or prevent you from getting online. Many add-ons come from the Internet. They add features (for example, extra toolbars, animated mouse pointers, stock tickers, pop-up ad blockers, etc) to your web browser. They usually require that you give your permission before they are installed on your computer. Some, however, might be installed without your knowledge. This can happen if the add-on was part of another program that you installed. So, by running add-on disabled mode, you'll be free from all add-ons that might harm your browser and computer. This becomes last alternative if you find your browser doesn't run properly and you don't know which add-on causes the trouble.

Source: Windows Vista Documentation.

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