Section 11 - Using Windows Mail on Windows Vista

In Windows Vista, Microsoft introduced the successor of Outlook Express, namely Windows Mail. This program, which functions to especially send and receive e-mail, has been enhanced with better security features such as protection against phishing and spam. In this tutorial, you will learn to use it easily and practically.

Here are articles relating to the use of Windows Mail:

Adding an e-mail Account

Adding an e-mail account in Windows Mail is easy enough. But before doing that, you must know the incoming mail (POP3 or IMAP) server and outgoing e-mail server (SMTP) name, as well as your e-mail name and password.

Removing a Windows Mail Account

Like adding an account, removing an account in Windows Mail is quite easy.

Checking For Your New E-mail

On Windows Mail, you can let it check for your new e-mail automatically every period of time or you can check it manually.

Reading E-Mail

In Windows Mail, you can read the e-mail contents through the Preview pane, and also via the separate window. Reading an e-mail content in the Preview pane is more simple, but if you read it in a separate window, you will see a large portion of the message.

Writing and Sending E-Mail

Using Windows Mail to write and send an e-mail message is quite easy. You can send a message to many people all at once, and you can also attach files in your e-mail message.

Replying To And Forwarding a Message

The replied messages and the forwarded messages can be identified by "Re:" text and "Fw:" text at the beginning of the subject/title respectively. While at the bottom side of those messages content contain the sender e-mail content. You can easily reply to or forward a message in Windows Mail.

Managing Your Incoming E-Mail

By default, Windows Mail will locate all of your incoming e-mail into the Inbox folder. However, you can create a new folder and make a rule that will locate your specific incoming e-mail into the new folder, but not in Inbox folder, according to the condition you determine. Actually you can set various conditions/criteria and actions based on your desire. This will make you easier and quicker to manage your e-mail especially if you're a person that works and communicates much through e-mail.

Blocking Images and Other External Content

If you use slow internet connection or for other reason, you can prevent Windows Mail from showing/downloading images and external content within incoming e-mail, surely it makes Windows Mail receives all e-mail faster.

Controlling E-Mail Spam

Windows Mail will automatically put your incoming e-mail that is considered as spam or other unwanted e-mail into Junk E-mail folder. In this tutorial, we will learn some ways that you can use to control the e-mail contains spam.

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